Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Good News

Today I was watching the news and they said that the oil crisis was getting better. So I decided to take a walk outside, and it was true. I was surprised to see that there were trucks unloading boxes of milk and oranges. As I kept on walking I saw that many other stores, especially big stores, stocking up on items that I had not seen in a long time. But not all of the items that used to be on the shelves before the oil crisis are up yet. Now I will be able to do all of the regular activities that I used to do before the oil crisis. Now I will be able to take a shower with shampoo and all of that. I’m kind of happy right now.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Murdered: Oil Spill

The oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico is horrible! Now that we are in an oil shortage, we get an oil spill; how lucky are we? To make things worse, I just found out that my cousin, who used to work over in the rig operator in the Gulf of Mexico died during the explosion there… At the moment I feel really sad and somewhat angry about this. Many memories of the time we spent together are rushing trough my mind as I write this. Many people are putting all of their attention to the spill and not to those people that died because of the explosion there. I can’t even imagine how my aunt and uncle are doing. They must be devastated because of this. I mean, they can’t even get my cousins body back so they can give him a proper burial because his body is trapped underwater. Now I want to take the time to give my respects to all of those family members who lost their loved ones during that explosion.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010


The Oil crisis keeps getting worse every day. Many people have lost their jobs due to the closing of many companies. One of my friends got fired from his job the other day. He used to work on the gas station from the corner of Vernon and Hooper. As many of you might already know, it closed down yesterday. He is going to financially since he is a student and is in need of money constantly. I started to realize that oil can affect everyone. I'm already taking action by riding a bike every were I go. I'm also starting to see that many people are starting to buy electric powered cars. This is also a good idea too. I think I'm going to start saving up to buy one as well. The bike thing is not really working out efficiently